Performa SoP 003 B: APPENDIX-B (already in the SoP regulation)
Name of Area / Circle Classification Pending complaints of previous Qtr Complaints received during the Qtr Total Complaints No. of Complaints redressed during the Qtr Balance Complaints to be redressed
(5) – (10)
In stipulated time Beyond stipulated time Total (6) to (9)
Within 50% of stipulated time. Within stipulated time. Up to double the stipulated time More than double the stipulated time
1 2   3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00  
PGVCL A(i) Loose connections from pole 15.00 93622.00 93637.00 51919.00 41229.00 435.00 30.00 93613.00 -24.00 ####
A(ii) Interruption due to line breakdown 9.00 62641.00 62650.00 36920.00 25401.00 286.00 29.00 62636.00 -14.00
A(iii) Interruption due to failure of transformer 10.00 23018.00 23028.00 12042.00 10448.00 502.00 13.00 23005.00 -23.00
B(i) Ordinary case, which requires no augmentation. 6.00 2874.00 2880.00 1797.00 1038.00 30.00 0.00 2865.00 -15.00
B(ii) Where augmentation is required. 2.00 1971.00 1973.00 1061.00 860.00 39.00 7.00 1967.00 -6.00
C(i) Stopped/Defective Meters 13.00 17597.00 17610.00 9609.00 7838.00 139.00 5.00 17591.00 -19.00
C(ii) Billing on average basis for more than two bills 7.00 4817.00 4824.00 2859.00 1832.00 108.00 6.00 4805.00 -19.00
D(i) Loose Wires 19.00 12018.00 12037.00 7535.00 4399.00 76.00 3.00 12013.00 -24.00
D(ii) Inadequate ground clearance 1.00 2082.00 2083.00 1240.00 799.00 38.00 5.00 2082.00 -1.00
E(i) For current bills where no additional information is required 1.00 3877.00 3878.00 2527.00 1299.00 38.00 10.00 3874.00 -4.00
E(ii) Where additional information relating to correctness of reading etc. is required 9.00 3694.00 3703.00 2106.00 1567.00 18.00 3.00 3694.00 -9.00
F(i) Where extension of mains is not required 2.00 3530.00 3532.00 2031.00 1410.00 87.00 2.00 3530.00 -2.00
F(ii) Where extension of mains is required 1.00 1959.00 1960.00 973.00 932.00 52.00 2.00 1959.00 -1.00
F(iii) Modification in connected load 7.00 4033.00 4040.00 2232.00 1719.00 71.00 6.00 4028.00 -12.00
F(iv) Name change/reconnection 13.00 9196.00 9209.00 4548.00 4582.00 62.00 6.00 9198.00 -11.00
G Refund of amount due in regard to temporary connection 6.00 2381.00 2387.00 1005.00 1343.00 26.00 0.00 2374.00 -13.00
H Others 8.00 23959.00 23967.00 14782.00 9015.00 157.00 4.00 23984.00 17.00