SoP 011 - A : System Average Interrruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) for JGY category
Month Ni - Number of Customers for each sustained interruptions (in numbers) NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
CI= Ni SAIFI = ∑ Ni/Nt
(Monthly SAIFI)
1 2 3 4 5 6=5/4
1 Apr-17 1507871.00 1696677.00 8659190.00 5.10
2 May-17 1476021.00 1697752.00 9453553.00 5.57
3 Jun-17 1567576.00 1699039.00 16358121.00 9.63
  1st Qtr 4551468.00 1699039.00 34470864.00 20.29
4 Jul-17 1623312.00 1700268.00 21518673.00 12.66
5 Aug-17 1636160.00 1701302.00 15935147.00 9.37
6 Sep-17 1574838.00 1702178.00 13346311.00 7.84
  2nd Qtr 4834310.00 1702178.00 50800131.00 29.84
7 Oct-17 1484792.00 1702446.00 9692709.00 5.69
8 Nov-17 1462092.00 1704517.00 8757584.00 5.14
9 Dec-17 1522277.00 1704384.00 9203340.00 5.40
  3rd Qtr 4469161.00 1704384.00 27653633.00 16.23
1 Jan-18 1464795.00 1704694.00 8627523.00 5.06
2 Feb-18 1415533.00 1705745.00 7043648.00 4.13
3 Mar-18 1391682.00 1706963.00 6632777.00 3.89
  4th Qtr 4272010.00 1706963.00 22303948.00 13.07
  Yearly Data 18126949.00 1706963.00 135228576.00 79.22
SoP 011 - B : System Average Interrruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for JGY category
Month Ri =
Restoration Time for each sustained interruption event
(in hours)
Ni - Number of interrupted Customers for each sustained interruption event
(in numbers)
Ri* Ni -
Total customer interrution Duration
NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
Customer Intt. Duration CMI = ΣRi*Ni SAIDI = ΣRi*Ni/Nt (Monthly SAIDI)
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-17 1:11 1507871.00 1784529:50 1696677.00 430136.07 6:05
2 May-17 1:18 1476021.00 1920342:08 1697752.00 526744.73 7:26
3 Jun-17 1:18 1567576.00 2051932:08 1699039.00 880035.13 12:25
  1st Qtr 3:47 4551468.00 17265934:17 1699039.00 1836915.92 25:56
4 Jul-17 1:17 1623312.00 2108054:53 1700268.00 1117419.01 15:46
5 Aug-17 1:09 1636160.00 1889642:33 1701302.00 770847.04 10:52
6 Sep-17 1:09 1574838.00 1825020:49 1702178.00 653585.42 9:12
  2nd Qtr 3:36 4834310.00 17463468:06 1702178.00 2541851.47 35:50
7 Oct-17 1:06 1484792.00 1652081:01 1702446.00 457332.11 6:26
8 Nov-17 1:10 1462092.00 1713070:29 1704517.00 432258.37 6:05
9 Dec-17 1:23 1522277.00 2129697:40 1704384.00 519743.13 7:19
  3rd Qtr 3:41 4469161.00 16461468:44 1704384.00 1409333.61 19:50
1 Jan-18 1:13 1464795.00 1791832:45 1704694.00 449312.24 6:19
2 Feb-18 1:15 1415533.00 1785055:48 1705745.00 381290.89 5:21
3 Mar-18 0:59 1391682.00 1389643:33 1706963.00 274859.45 3:51
  4th Qtr 3:28 4272010.00 14878765:47 1706963.00 1105462.58 15:32
  Yearly Data 14:34 18126949.00 ################### 1706963.00 6893563.58 96:55
SoP 011 - C : Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI) for JGY category
Month IMi =
Number of Momentary interruptions for the month
(in numbers)
Nmi =
Total no of customers for each momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Imi =Nmi
Number of customer Momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Nt -
Total no of customers served
(in numbers)
Customer Intt. ΣImi*Nmi MAIFI=ΣImi*Nmi/Nt
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-17 11232.00 1612707.00 18113925024.00 1696677.00 16650323.00 9.81
2 May-17 11409.00 1583420.00 18065238780.00 1697752.00 17283032.00 10.18
3 Jun-17 18301.00 1647081.00 30143229381.00 1699039.00 26755011.00 15.75
  1st Qtr 40942.00 4843208.00 198290621936.00 1699039.00 60688366.00 35.72
4 Jul-17 22214.00 1653152.00 36723118528.00 1700268.00 32404137.00 19.06
5 Aug-17 16585.00 1648974.00 27348233790.00 1701302.00 23524516.00 13.83
6 Sep-17 15740.00 1632657.00 25698021180.00 1702178.00 22554146.00 13.25
  2nd Qtr 54539.00 4934783.00 269138130037.00 1702178.00 78482799.00 46.11
7 Oct-17 15231.00 1604742.00 24441825402.00 1702446.00 21658636.00 12.72
8 Nov-17 15479.00 1609060.00 24906639740.00 1704517.00 22203531.00 13.03
9 Dec-17 12094.00 1596172.00 19304104168.00 1704384.00 17851309.00 10.47
  3rd Qtr 42804.00 4809974.00 205886127096.00 1704384.00 61713476.00 36.21
1 Jan-18 10933.00 1578217.00 17254646461.00 1704694.00 15579039.00 9.14
2 Feb-18 9613.00 1573853.00 15129448889.00 1705745.00 13289270.00 7.79
3 Mar-18 11353.00 1657995.00 18823217235.00 1706963.00 16743716.00 9.81
  4th Qtr 31899.00 4810065.00 153436263435.00 1706963.00 45612025.00 26.72
  Yearly Data 170184.00 19398030.00 3301234337520.00 1706963.00 246496666.00 144.41