Performa SoP 004:Publicity carried out
Sr. No Name of Area / Circle Actions or steps carried out by distribution licensee towards public awareness in the quarter Likely number of consumers influenced                                                                                                                                                                           
1 Rajkot Rural Gram Sabha arranged at Jasdan Division& Paddhari Sdn and of on date  Dt-19-06-2014 & 25.06.14  and public awareness program arranged 5000 approx.
2 Morbi  PGVCL hired stall in 2 day long KRUSHI Mahotsav & PGVCL distribute Energy conservation & Safety pamphlets during KRUSHI Mahotsav 40000 approx.
3 PBR Advertise Publish in Local TV Cable for safety
awareness as on "World Safety Day"
1500000 approx.
4 PBR 33Nos of Khedut Sibir arrange with verious places
under the circle. Main part of the discussion for the Safety point of View.
831 approx.
5 JMN khedut shibir carried out for bringing public awarness among the consumer. Gramsabha are arranged for public interest  and making solutions of there problem on the spot Phamplets regarding safety are put on compound wall of our offices and distributed among people. 50000 approx
6 Junagadh Distribution of Safety awarness and Energy conservation pamphlets at Parab mela on date: 27,28,29.06.2014. Gramsabha at various village i.e. vadodra zala, prasnavada, vavadi and Bava ni vav under pranchi sdn of Veraval division on date: 25.06.2014. Majevdi on date: 27.06.2014 veraval town in particularly girls school area and kharva vad on date 27.06.2014 and 09.07.2014, Kenidipur on date: 27.05.2014, Tarsingda on date: 06.06.2014, Katakparafor on date: 11.06.2014, Navagam on date: 17.06.2014 10000 approx
7 Haripar Village visit arrange at differente 28 villages under Amreli Circle &  in this villages and public awared for privention to avoid accidents 8000 approx