SoP 011 - A : System Average Interrruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) for JGY category
Month Ni - Number of Customers for each sustained interruptions (in numbers) NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
CI=? Ni SAIFI = ? Ni/Nt
(Monthly SAIFI)
1 2 3 4 5 6=5/4
1 Apr-21 1791350.00 1941299.00 10816390.00 5.57
2 May-21 1858556.00 1942933.00 19591904.00 10.08
3 Jun-21 1864645.00 1952723.00 21312385.00 10.91
  1st Qtr 5514551.00 1952723.00 51720679.00 26.49
4 Jul-21 1870947.00 1954406.00 22035524.00 11.27
5 Aug-21 1865517.00 1954974.00 16568746.00 8.48
6 Sep-21 1920063.00 1960033.00 24671919.00 12.59
  2nd Qtr 5656527.00 1960033.00 63276189.00 32.28
7 Oct-21 1857687.00 1962115.00 15309361.00 7.80
8 Nov-21 1771317.00 1963709.00 9795970.00 4.99
9 Dec-21 1835171.00 1968091.00 12664593.00 6.43
  3rd Qtr 5464175.00 1968091.00 37769924.00 19.19
1 Jan-22 1837350.00 1977745.00 14564349.00 7.36
2 Feb-22 1766329.00 1944076.00 10829039.00 5.57
3 Mar-22 1704243.00 1944494.00 9746687.00 5.01
  4th Qtr 5307922.00 1944494.00 35140075.00 18.07
  Yearly Data 21943175.00 1944494.00 187906867.00 96.64
SoP 011 - B : System Average Interrruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for JGY category
Month Ri =
Restoration Time for each sustained interruption event
(in hours)
Ni - Number of interrupted Customers for each sustained interruption event
(in numbers)
Ri* Ni -
Total customer interrution Duration
NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
Customer Intt. Duration CMI = ?Ri*Ni SAIDI = ?Ri*Ni/Nt (Monthly SAIDI)
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-21 0:59 1791350.00 1781495:46 1941299.00 447440.54 5:31
2 May-21 2:09 1858556.00 4013122:54 1942933.00 1737843.73 21:28
3 Jun-21 1:22 1864645.00 2577931:17 1952723.00 1165114.08 14:19
  1st Qtr 4:32 5514551.00 25015659:03 1952723.00 3350398.35 41:10
4 Jul-21 1:17 1870947.00 2431107:30 1954406.00 1108825.78 13:36
5 Aug-21 1:06 1865517.00 2080670:57 1954974.00 765110.39 9:23
6 Sep-21 1:14 1920063.00 2385755:14 1960033.00 1231413.60 15:04
  2nd Qtr 3:39 5656527.00 20687455:37 1960033.00 3105349.77 38:01
7 Oct-21 1:14 1857687.00 2299585:59 1962115.00 754425.09 9:13
8 Nov-21 1:04 1771317.00 1905259:45 1963709.00 418404.43 5:06
9 Dec-21 1:19 1835171.00 2432149:31 1968091.00 674695.13 8:13
  3rd Qtr 3:38 5464175.00 19882996:52 1968091.00 1847524.66 22:31
1 Jan-22 1:17 1837350.00 2358532:12 1977745.00 777149.89 9:25
2 Feb-22 1:13 1766329.00 2158468:57 1944076.00 545176.59 6:43
3 Mar-22 1:01 1704243.00 1750150:22 1944494.00 407946.30 5:02
  4th Qtr 3:31 5307922.00 18750793:19 1944494.00 1730272.77 21:21
  Yearly Data 15:21 21943175.00 ################### 1944494.00 10033545.55 123:50
SoP 011 - C : Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI) for JGY category
Month IMi =
Number of Momentary interruptions for the month
(in numbers)
Nmi =
Total no of customers for each momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Imi =Nmi
Number of customer Momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Nt -
Total no of customers served
(in numbers)
Customer Intt. ?Imi*Nmi MAIFI=?Imi*Nmi/Nt
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-21 13884.00 1863329.00 25870459836.00 1941299.00 19941959.00 10.27
2 May-21 18147.00 1853424.00 33634085328.00 1942933.00 25809003.00 13.28
3 Jun-21 19647.00 1838021.00 36111598587.00 1952723.00 28373819.00 14.53
  1st Qtr 51678.00 5554774.00 287059610772.00 1952723.00 74124781.00 37.96
4 Jul-21 21412.00 1919902.00 41108941624.00 1954406.00 30135306.00 15.42
5 Aug-21 15995.00 1889208.00 30217881960.00 1954974.00 22740738.00 11.63
6 Sep-21 20545.00 1915173.00 39347229285.00 1960033.00 29313450.00 14.96
  2nd Qtr 57952.00 5724283.00 331733648416.00 1960033.00 82189494.00 41.93
7 Oct-21 15869.00 1871302.00 29695691438.00 1962115.00 22281830.00 11.36
8 Nov-21 13496.00 1874717.00 25301180632.00 1963709.00 19386513.00 9.87
9 Dec-21 12217.00 1864879.00 22783226743.00 1968091.00 17632038.00 8.96
  3rd Qtr 41582.00 5610898.00 233312360636.00 1968091.00 59300381.00 30.13
1 Jan-22 12103.00 1898814.00 22981345842.00 1977745.00 18282648.00 9.24
2 Feb-22 10442.00 1831399.00 19123468358.00 1944076.00 14750411.00 7.59
3 Mar-22 11078.00 1818384.00 20144057952.00 1944494.00 15747634.00 8.10
  4th Qtr 33623.00 5548597.00 186560476931.00 1944494.00 48780693.00 25.09
  Yearly Data 184835.00 22438552.00 4147429758920.00 1944494.00 264395349.00 135.97