Performa SoP 003 B: APPENDIX-B (already in the SoP regulation)
Name of Area / Circle Classification Pending complaints of previous Qtr Complaints received during the Qtr Total Complaints No. of Complaints redressed during the Qtr Balance Complaints to be redressed
In stipulated time Beyond stipulated time Total (6) to (9)
Within 50% of stipulated time. Within stipulated time. Up to double the stipulated time More than double the stipulated time
1 2   3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00  
PGVCL A(i) Loose connections from pole 24.00 88433.00 88457.00 57363.00 30514.00 482.00 72.00 88431.00 26.00
A(ii) Interruption due to line breakdown 12.00 65009.00 65021.00 36873.00 27626.00 428.00 78.00 65005.00 16.00
A(iii) Interruption due to failure of transformer 26.00 22228.00 22254.00 11080.00 10337.00 779.00 27.00 22223.00 31.00
B(i) Ordinary case, which requires no augmentation. 17.00 3314.00 3331.00 1699.00 1585.00 30.00 0.00 3314.00 17.00
B(ii) Where augmentation is required. 6.00 2356.00 2362.00 1040.00 1205.00 74.00 7.00 2326.00 36.00
C(i) Stopped/Defective Meters 22.00 19617.00 19639.00 11472.00 8060.00 76.00 8.00 19616.00 23.00
C(ii) Billing on average basis for more than two bills 20.00 5853.00 5873.00 3597.00 2148.00 98.00 10.00 5853.00 20.00
D(i) Loose Wires 29.00 17914.00 17943.00 12726.00 5051.00 126.00 12.00 17915.00 28.00
D(ii) Inadequate ground clearance 1.00 2008.00 2009.00 1092.00 878.00 32.00 6.00 2008.00 1.00
E(i) For current bills where no additional information is required 4.00 4504.00 4508.00 2774.00 1667.00 49.00 14.00 4504.00 4.00
E(ii) Where additional information relating to correctness of reading etc. is required 9.00 6568.00 6577.00 4637.00 1908.00 18.00 5.00 6568.00 9.00
F(i) Where extension of mains is not required 2.00 3582.00 3584.00 2682.00 862.00 35.00 3.00 3582.00 2.00
F(ii) Where extension of mains is required 1.00 2231.00 2232.00 1130.00 1069.00 26.00 6.00 2231.00 1.00
F(iii) Modification in connected load 12.00 5834.00 5846.00 3336.00 2421.00 69.00 8.00 5834.00 12.00
F(iv) Name change/reconnection 15.00 8042.00 8057.00 4270.00 3740.00 26.00 6.00 8042.00 15.00
G Refund of amount due in regard to temporary connection 10.00 1930.00 1940.00 1009.00 901.00 20.00 0.00 1930.00 10.00
H Others 10.00 29117.00 29127.00 19712.00 9244.00 136.00 9.00 29101.00 26.00
I Total 220.00 288540.00 288760.00 176492.00 109216.00 2504.00 271.00 288483.00 277.00