SoP 011 - A : System Average Interrruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) for Industrial category
1st   Quarter Year - 2009-10
Month Ni - Number of Customers for each sustained interruptions (in numbers) NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
(Monthly SAIFI)
1 2 3 4 5= 3 / 4
1 Apr-09 31867 23519 1
2 May-09 57402 34783 2
3 Jun-09 57628 26019 2
SoP 011 - B : System Average Interrruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for Industrial category
1st   Quarter Year - 2009-10
Month Ri =
Restoration Time for each sustained interruption event
(in hours)
Ni - Number of interrupted Customers for each sustained interruption event
(in numbers)
Ri* Ni -
Total customer interrution Duration
NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
SAIDI = Ri*Ni/Nt
(Monthly SAIDI)
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7= 5 / 6
1 Apr-09 143.00 348 49804.3 23519 2.12
2 May-09 219.69 389 85484.5 34783 2.46
3 Jun-09 446.39 215 95870.7 26019 3.68
SoP 011 - C : Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI) for Industrial category
1st   Quarter Year - 2009-10
Month IMi =
Number of Momentary interruptions for the month
(in numbers)
Nmi =
Total no of customers for each momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Imi =Nmi
Number of customer Mementary interruptions
(in numbers)
Nt -
Total no of customers served
(in numbers)
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7= 5 / 6
1 Apr-09 655 170 111053 23519 5
2 May-09 747 291 217719 34783 6
3 Jun-09 1067 188 200125 26019 8