SoP 011 - A : System Average Interrruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) for PGVCL as a whole
Month Ni - Number of Customers for each sustained interruptions (in numbers) NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
CI=? Ni SAIFI = ? Ni/Nt
(Monthly SAIFI)
1 2 3 4 5 6=5/4
1 Apr-21 4721889.00 5572441.00 32107702.00 5.76
2 May-21 5204797.00 5572135.00 51858768.00 9.31
3 Jun-21 5196084.00 5583323.00 56197135.00 10.07
  1st Qtr 15122770.00 5583323.00 140163605.00 25.10
4 Jul-21 5097093.00 5587820.00 59925142.00 10.72
5 Aug-21 4994312.00 5590016.00 51558785.00 9.22
6 Sep-21 5166140.00 5596620.00 62816561.00 11.22
  2nd Qtr 15257545.00 5596620.00 174300488.00 31.14
7 Oct-21 5094442.00 5604112.00 47696501.00 8.51
8 Nov-21 4669270.00 5614936.00 32287822.00 5.75
9 Dec-21 4948600.00 5628476.00 37236325.00 6.62
  3rd Qtr 14712312.00 5628476.00 117220648.00 20.83
1 Jan-22 5087776.00 5633367.00 43070158.00 7.65
2 Feb-22 4891589.00 5633038.00 32177743.00 5.71
3 Mar-22 4754417.00 5634688.00 30282761.00 5.37
  4th Qtr 14733782.00 5634688.00 105530662.00 18.73 95.34
  Yearly Data 59826409.00 5634688.00 537215403.00 95.34
SoP 011 - B : System Average Interrruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for PGVCL as a whole
Month Ri =
Restoration Time for each sustained interruption event
(in hours)
Ni - Number of interrupted Customers for each sustained interruption event
(in numbers)
Ri* Ni -
Total customer interrution Duration
NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
Customer Intt. Duration CMI = ?Ri*Ni SAIDI = ?Ri*Ni/Nt (Monthly SAIDI)
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-21 2:00 4721889.00 9454143:42 5572441.00 1927063.77 8:17
2 May-21 6:01 5204797.00 31385724:12 5572135.00 7921348.16 34:07
3 Jun-21 6:03 5196084.00 31441357:24 5583323.00 8259405.24 35:30
  1st Qtr 14:05 15122770.00 ########################################## 5583323.00 18107817.17 77:50
4 Jul-21 4:02 5097093.00 20567599:01 5587820.00 6658700.11 28:35
5 Aug-21 2:20 4994312.00 11698472:22 5590016.00 3868102.64 16:36
6 Sep-21 3:13 5166140.00 16689491:37 5596620.00 5255939.35 22:32
  2nd Qtr 9:36 15257545.00 ########################################## 5596620.00 15782742.10 67:40
7 Oct-21 2:26 5094442.00 12407395:32 5604112.00 3591816.57 15:22
8 Nov-21 1:59 4669270.00 9288629:32 5614936.00 2077949.48 8:52
9 Dec-21 2:17 4948600.00 11320566:18 5628476.00 2712122.34 11:33
  3rd Qtr 6:42 14712312.00 ########################################## 5628476.00 8381888.40 35:44
1 Jan-22 2:09 5087776.00 10968672:26 5633367.00 2845869.54 12:07
2 Feb-22 2:08 4891589.00 10448578:25 5633038.00 2231810.79 9:30
3 Mar-22 1:27 4754417.00 6951803:59 5634688.00 1750890.69 7:27
  4th Qtr 5:45 14733782.00 ########################################## 5634688.00 6828571.02 29:05 209:08
  Yearly Data 36:09 59826409.00 ########################################## 5634688.00 49101018.69 209:08  
SoP 011 - C : Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI) for PGVCL as a whole
Month IMi =
Number of Momentary interruptions for the month
(in numbers)
Nmi =
Total no of customers for each momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Imi =Nmi
Number of customer Momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Nt -
Total no of customers served
(in numbers)
Customer Intt. ?Imi*Nmi MAIFI=?Imi*Nmi/Nt
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-21 75758.00 5001105.00 378873712590.00 5572441.00 49831208.00 8.94
2 May-21 79972.00 5088031.00 406900015132.00 5572135.00 58875211.00 10.57
3 Jun-21 83125.00 4889021.00 406399870625.00 5583323.00 61280696.00 10.98
  1st Qtr 238855.00 14978157.00 3577607690235.00 5583323.00 169987115.00 30.45
4 Jul-21 107963.00 5072369.00 547628174347.00 5587820.00 70471777.00 12.61
5 Aug-21 101030.00 5001712.00 505322963360.00 5590016.00 61203824.00 10.95
6 Sep-21 98774.00 5114924.00 505221503176.00 5596620.00 66753850.00 11.93
  2nd Qtr 307767.00 15189005.00 4674674501835.00 5596620.00 198429451.00 35.46
7 Oct-21 81475.00 4920481.00 400896189475.00 5604112.00 53559130.00 9.56
8 Nov-21 73047.00 4967732.00 362877919404.00 5614936.00 47856443.00 8.52
9 Dec-21 62972.00 4989301.00 314186262572.00 5628476.00 44018798.00 7.82
  3rd Qtr 217494.00 14877514.00 3235770029916.00 5628476.00 145434371.00 25.84
1 Jan-22 59103.00 5196427.00 307124424981.00 5633367.00 49965649.00 8.87
2 Feb-22 57595.00 4894307.00 281887611665.00 5633038.00 38565066.00 6.85
3 Mar-22 60767.00 4862613.00 295486404171.00 5634688.00 40940869.00 7.27
  4th Qtr 177465.00 14953347.00 2653695725355.00 5634688.00 129471584.00 22.98 114.17
  Yearly Data 941581.00 59998023.00 56492998494363.00 5634688.00 643322521.00 114.17