SoP 011 - A : System Average Interrruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) for URBAN category
Month Ni - Number of Customers for each sustained interruptions (in numbers) NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
CI=? Ni SAIFI = ? Ni/Nt
(Monthly SAIFI)
1 2 3 4 5 6=5/4
1 Apr-21 1661289.00 2275915.00 5742894.00 2.52
2 May-21 2045785.00 2273119.00 12044208.00 5.30
3 Jun-21 2031543.00 2269686.00 11761788.00 5.18
  1st Qtr 5738617.00 2269686.00 29548890.00 13.02
4 Jul-21 1922220.00 2270706.00 10445932.00 4.60
5 Aug-21 1830275.00 2271126.00 7050454.00 3.10
6 Sep-21 1936561.00 2271501.00 12492835.00 5.50
  2nd Qtr 5689056.00 2271501.00 29989221.00 13.20
7 Oct-21 1934359.00 2276498.00 9025146.00 3.96
8 Nov-21 1601289.00 2285189.00 5470953.00 2.39
9 Dec-21 1821061.00 2286080.00 8074692.00 3.53
  3rd Qtr 5356709.00 2286080.00 22570791.00 9.87
1 Jan-22 1963024.00 2273680.00 12673348.00 5.57
2 Feb-22 1845005.00 2312040.00 6909078.00 2.99
3 Mar-22 1767956.00 2312008.00 6003953.00 2.60
  4th Qtr 5575985.00 2312008.00 25586379.00 11.07
  Yearly Data 22360367.00 2312008.00 107695281.00 46.58
SoP 011 - B : System Average Interrruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for URBAN category
Month Ri =
Restoration Time for each sustained interruption event
(in hours)
Ni - Number of interrupted Customers for each sustained interruption event
(in numbers)
Ri* Ni -
Total customer interrution Duration
NT - Total No of customers served
(in Numbers)
Customer Intt. Duration CMI = ?Ri*Ni SAIDI = ?Ri*Ni/Nt (Monthly SAIDI)
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-21 0:59 1661289.00 1635774:04 2275915.00 228305.31 2:24
2 May-21 1:25 2045785.00 2910987:25 2273119.00 635607.24 6:42
3 Jun-21 1:09 2031543.00 2348570:14 2269686.00 550441.85 5:49
  1st Qtr 3:33 5738617.00 20450212:44 2269686.00 1414354.40 14:57
4 Jul-21 1:00 1922220.00 1949541:50 2270706.00 416838.16 4:24
5 Aug-21 0:55 1830275.00 1697618:59 2271126.00 281425.16 2:58
6 Sep-21 0:49 1936561.00 1612014:39 2271501.00 430978.14 4:33
  2nd Qtr 2:46 5689056.00 15782271:39 2271501.00 1129241.46 11:55
7 Oct-21 1:12 1934359.00 2341302:41 2276498.00 486215.81 5:07
8 Nov-21 1:01 1601289.00 1635317:21 2285189.00 236481.79 2:29
9 Dec-21 1:09 1821061.00 2106878:17 2286080.00 370006.70 3:53
  3rd Qtr 3:23 5356709.00 18151626:41 2286080.00 1092704.30 11:28
1 Jan-22 1:11 1963024.00 2323534:15 2273680.00 574021.01 6:03
2 Feb-22 1:16 1845005.00 2347984:11 2312040.00 367262.17 3:48
3 Mar-22 1:04 1767956.00 1909227:15 2312008.00 253580.36 2:37
  4th Qtr 3:32 5575985.00 19717651:34 2312008.00 1194863.54 12:24
  Yearly Data 13:15 22360367.00 ################### 2312008.00 4831163.69 50:09
SoP 011 - C : Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI) for URBAN category
Month IMi =
Number of Momentary interruptions for the month
(in numbers)
Nmi =
Total no of customers for each momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Imi =Nmi
Number of customer Momentary interruptions
(in numbers)
Nt -
Total no of customers served
(in numbers)
Customer Intt. ?Imi*Nmi MAIFI=?Imi*Nmi/Nt
1 2 3 4 5 = 3 * 4 6 7 8=7/6
1 Apr-21 2969.00 1875771.00 5569164099.00 2275915.00 8950068.00 3.93
2 May-21 4039.00 1972305.00 7966139895.00 2273119.00 12389419.00 5.45
3 Jun-21 3755.00 1880589.00 7061611695.00 2269686.00 11461756.00 5.05
  1st Qtr 10763.00 5728665.00 61657621395.00 2269686.00 32801243.00 14.45
4 Jul-21 3864.00 1914514.00 7397682096.00 2270706.00 12069850.00 5.32
5 Aug-21 3007.00 1833706.00 5513953942.00 2271126.00 9122294.00 4.02
6 Sep-21 4088.00 1916201.00 7833429688.00 2271501.00 12076406.00 5.32
  2nd Qtr 10959.00 5664421.00 62076389739.00 2271501.00 33268550.00 14.65
7 Oct-21 3418.00 1786654.00 6106783372.00 2276498.00 9889871.00 4.34
8 Nov-21 3178.00 1840498.00 5849102644.00 2285189.00 9459503.00 4.14
9 Dec-21 3151.00 1882314.00 5931171414.00 2286080.00 10228658.00 4.47
  3rd Qtr 9747.00 5509466.00 53700765102.00 2286080.00 29578032.00 12.94
1 Jan-22 4967.00 2052060.00 10192582020.00 2273680.00 17090736.00 7.52
2 Feb-22 2715.00 1835043.00 4982141745.00 2312040.00 8419063.00 3.64
3 Mar-22 2915.00 1810896.00 5278761840.00 2312008.00 9009351.00 3.90
  4th Qtr 10597.00 5697999.00 60381695403.00 2312008.00 34519150.00 14.93
  Yearly Data 42066.00 22600551.00 950714778366.00 2312008.00 130166975.00 56.30