IV --  FINANCIAL  DATA A/c head 2015-16 3rd Qtr  PAGE:10
Current Year 2015-16 Provisional PREVIOUS YEAR 2014-15 % Change
Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cummulative
A Revnue:              
  1 Sale of Electricity 61 group 2550.29 7894.93 2428.51 7314.14 5.01 7.94
  2 Government Subsidy 63111 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  3 Other Income 62+63 group 24.20 75.01 28.75 72.22 -15.82 3.87
  4 Total Revenue   2574.49 7969.94 2457.26 7386.36 4.77 7.90
B EXPENSES:              
  Operating Expenses:              
  1 Power Purchase Costs 70 group 2559.42 7405.78 2673.13 7333.62 -4.25 0.98
  2 Fixed   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00    
  3 Variable   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00    
  4 Fuel Expense   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00    
  5 Employee cost 75 +75.9 group 151.29 433.11 126.32 383.00 19.77 13.09
  6 Repairs and Maintenance  74 group 48.21 131.06 35.33 98.90 36.48 32.52
  7 Administrative and General Expenses 76+76.9 group 29.31 81.94 21.80 70.68 34.43 15.93
  8 Other Operating Costs 79 group 50.17 51.03 1.78 4.06    
  9 Depreciation 77 group 137.62 419.99 111.20 311.20 23.76 34.96
  10 Interest  78 group 14.43 42.06 12.87 34.02 12.11 23.63
  11 Other Expenses (including capitalisation) 15240 + 76.9+75.9 73.86 174.72 76.00 173.47 -2.81 0.72
  12 Taxes, if any   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  13 Total expenses   3064.33 8739.70 3058.43 8408.95 0.19 3.93
C   Surplus (deficit) excluding rate of return              
D   Calculation of Return              
1 Quarterly results are provisional  as the same are not audited.
2 Subsidies are usually received at the year end, hence they have not been considered in the quarterly results
3 Interest on Borrowings is given by GUVNL at the year end, hence the same has not been considered in quarterly results
4 The expenses are capitalized at the year end, hence they have not been considered in quarterly results.