3rd Quarter    ( Rs.crores)
IV --  FINANCIAL  DATA 2014-15 3rd Qtr  PAGE:10
Curreent Year 2014-15 Provisional Previous Year 2013-14 % Change
Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cumulative Quarterly Cummulative last qtr
A Revnue:            
  1 Sale of Electricity 2428.52 7314.14 2062.38 6624.03 17.75 10.42 4885.63
  2 Government Subsidy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  3 Other Income 28.75 72.22 117.84 160.07 -75.60 -54.88 43.47
  4 Total Revenue 2457.27 7386.36 4242.60 6784.10 -42.08 8.88 4929.10
B EXPENSES:            
  Operating Expenses:            
  1 Power Purchase Costs 2673.13 7333.62 2520.45 7106.49 6.06 3.20 4660.49
  2 Fixed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00     0.00
  3 Variable 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00     0.00
  4 Fuel Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00     0.00
  5 Employee cost 127.75 384.43 122.42 350.38 4.36 9.72 256.68
  6 Repairs and Maintenance  35.33 98.90 39.30 86.24 -10.10 14.68 63.57
  7 Administrative and General Expenses 25.03 73.91 23.12 67.91 8.26 8.84 48.88
  8 Other Operating Costs 1.78 4.06 1.80 4.93     2.28
  9 Depreciation 111.20 311.20 91.28 278.50 21.82 11.74 200.00
  10 Interest  12.87 34.02 7.78 21.91 65.37 55.28 21.15
  11 Other Expenses (including capitalisation) 76.00 173.47 0.00 0.00     97.47
  12 Taxes, if any 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00     0.00
  13 Total expenses 3063.08 8413.61 2806.15 7916.35 9.16 6.28 5350.53 5350.53
C   Surplus (deficit) excluding rate of return            
D   Calculation of Return            
1 Quarterly results are provisional  as the same are not audited.
2 Subsidies are usually received at the year end, hence they have not been considered in the quarterly results
3 Power Purchase cost is considered on the basis of Bill raised by GUVNL, However the same is revised by GUVNL at the year end.
4 Interest on Borrowings is given by GUVNL at the year end, hence the same has not been considered in quarterly results
5 The expenses are capitalized at the year end, hence they have not been considered in quarterly results.