Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited
POWER SUPPLY POSITION - 1 2021-22 3rd Qtr   Page : 1
            Current Year 21-22   Previous Year 20-21   % change
      A/C HEAD     Quarterly Cumulative   Quarterly Cumulative   Quarterly Cumulative
I   Power Purchase                      
  1 Purchase from IPPs/CPPs   MUs   0 0   0 0      
  2 Purchase from GUVNL 92490 MUs   10153.16 29712.53   9735.78 25860.03   4.29 14.90
  3 Purchase from wind & solar 92476/92478 MUs   61.88 92.41   15.05 68.25   311.14 35.40
    UI purchase 92459 MUs   0.00 0.00   0 0   #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
    Total purchase of power   MUs   10215.04 29804.94 0 9750.83 25928.28   4.76 14.95
II   Energy Balance sheet:                      
  1 Total net generation + purchase of power   MUs   10153.16 29712.53   9735.78 25860.03 0.00 4.29 14.90
  1A Export   MUs   0 0   0 0 0.00    
  2 Units sent out    MUs   10153.16 29712.53   9735.78 25860.03 0.00 4.29 14.90
  3 Metered + Estimated unmetered sales REV MUs   8371.91 24195.38   8150.04 21168.11 0.00 2.72 14.30
  3A Sale to GUVNL 92519 MUs   0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
    UI Sales 92558 MUs   0.00 0.00   0 0   #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  4 T & D loss(2-3)   MUs   1843.13 5609.56 0 1600.79 4760.18 0.00 15.14 17.84
  5 T & D loss (4)/(2)*100   %   18.04 18.82 ##### 16.00 18.00 ##### 12.77 4.56
III   Sales, billing and realisation:                      
  1 Billed - metered + unmetered REV Rs.crores   4904.32 14645.01   4880.52 13251.83 0.00 0.49 10.51
  2 Billed - theft assessment REV Rs.crores   54.95 93.25   36.60 57.21 0.00 50.10 62.99
  3 Total Billed (1+2) REV Rs.crores   4959.27 14738.27   4917.13 13309.05   0.86 10.74
  4 Amount realised - billed metered +unmetered * REV Rs.crores   5037.17 14540.54   4936.14 7950.06   2.05 82.90
  5 Amount realised against theft of energy * REV Rs.crores   15.23 32.72   13.38 22.19 0.00 13.78 47.45
  6 Total Amount realised (4+5) * REV Rs.crores   5052.40 14573.26   4949.52 7972.25   2.08 82.80
  7 Amount realised as % of amount billed (6)/(3) * REV %   101.88% 98.88% ##### 100.66% 59.90% ##### 1.21 65.07
COST OF SUPPLY - 2 Page : 2
            Current Year 21-22   Previous Year 20-21   % change
            Quarterly Cumulative   Quarterly Cumulative   Quarterly Cumulative
I   Cost of supply                      
  1 Average cost of purchase of power   Rs./Kwh   4.50 4.29 ##### 3.78 3.93 N.A. 19.14 9.15
  2 Cost at bus bar   Rs./Kwh             N.A.   N.A.
  3 Cost of supply at EHT (at 66 KV)   Rs./Kwh             N.A.   N.A.
  4 Cost of supply at HT (at 11 KV)   Rs./Kwh             N.A.   N.A.
  5 Cost of supply at LT (at 400 / 230 V)   Rs./Kwh             N.A.   N.A.
  6 Average Cost of supply   Rs./Kwh   6.38 6.19 ##### 5.18 5.56 N.A. 23.18 11.27
II   Sales realisation REV                    
  1 HT REV Rs./Kwh   7.94 7.83 7.83   0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  2 LT (Excluding AG) REV Rs./Kwh   7.47 7.56     0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  3 Average Sales realisation (Inc. AG) REV Rs./Kwh   5.92 6.09     0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
    Special observations on above points                      
            Current Year 21-22   Previous Year 20-21   % change
            Quarterly Cumulative   Quarterly Cumulative   Quarterly Cumulative
  1 Cost of Power purchase 70 Rs. Crores   4600.14 12785.68   3690.38 10196.87 0.00 24.65 25.39
  2 Employees Cost 75 +75.9  Rs. Crores   238.38 703.31   197.11 629.50 0.00 20.94 11.72
  3 Interest  78 Rs. Crores   4.80 12.52   4.87 13.31 0.00 -1.41 -5.90
  4 Repairs & Maintenance 74 Rs. Crores   202.00 595.07   57.70 143.73 0.00 250.09 314.02
  5 Depreciation 77 Rs. Crores   235.86 699.98   228.56 672.73 0.00 3.19 4.05
  6 Admin and General expenses 76+76.9 Rs. Crores   58.55 167.48   40.85 105.99 0.00 43.33 58.02
  7 Other Operating Costs 79 Rs. Crores   2.32 5.03   2.53 6.69 0.00 -8.36 -24.80
  8 Total cost excluding Profit/Return   Rs. Crores   5342.05 14969.07 0.00 4222.01 11768.81 0.00 26.53 27.19
  7 Capital expenditure 10 di +14 di Rs. Crores   208.44 523.90   378.60 787.47 N.A. -44.94 -33.47 #REF!
  8 New long term borrowings (Total)   Rs. Crores   0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 N.A. #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  9 Non Tariff Income  62+63 Rs. Crores   8.36 355.79   104.23 223.22 N.A. -91.98 59.39  
  10 Bank overdraft as at the end of the quarter   Rs. Crores   0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00   #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  11 Sales amount 61 group Rs. Crores   4289.22 10849.09   4056.80 9142.47 N.A. 5.73 18.67
  12 Agricultural Subsidy received   Rs. Crores   0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 N.A. #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  13 Other Subsidy received   Rs. Crores   0.00 0.00   0.00 0.00 N.A. #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  14 Total (7 to 13)       4506.03 11728.78   4539.62 10153.17 0.00 -0.74 15.52
  14 Cost of power purchase as % of total cost (1) / (8)   %   86.11% 85.41% ##### 87.41% 86.64% N.A. -1.49 -1.42
Special observations on above points
1 Quarterly results are provisional  as the same are not audited.
2 Subsidies are usually received at the year end, hence they have not been considered in the quarterly results
3 Interest on Borrowings is given by GUVNL at the year end, hence the same has not been considered in quarterly results
4 The expenses are capitalized at the year end, hence they have not been considered in quarterly results.